23 February 2011

Lancelot Andrewes' prayers for Lent

On The Wednesdays Of Lent.

O Holy Jesu, I beseech Thy loving-kindness. Despise me not: yea, rather regard me, O Lord, regard me with those eyes wherewith Thou didst regard

Magdalene in the banquet,

Peter in the hall,

the thief on the Cross;

that with Peter I may weep,

with the thief may confess,

with Magdalene may love;

may love much, yea very much, for that many sins are forgiven me.

Spare me, O Lord; spare me, a penitent: at the least desiring to be a penitent, and preparing thereto; recollecting my sins with bitterness, indignant with myself concerning them, remembering and laying hold of Thy most bitter Passion.

Spare, O Lord, have mercy! Spare me, O Lord, have mercy on me! pity me, because it is not difficult to Thy power, nor unbefitting Thy justice, nor unusual to Thy clemency.

O Lamb of God, That takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon me.

Lord, let a new manner of life prove that a new spirit hath descended on me: for true penitence is new life; and true praise unremitted penitence, and the observation of a perpetual Sabbath from sin, its occasions, and its danger. For as penitence destroys old sins, so do new sins destroy penitence.

O God, my heart is ready; so saith the Psalmist: but I fear, Lord, lest mine should not be ready. I would that it were: I grieve, if it be not. Lord, prepare it: assist my disposal, and supply my preparation of it. I will put my sins before my sight; that they may not be put before Thine.

By Thy Baptism, Fasting, and Temptation,

Good Lord, deliver me.

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